Let's say I want to send an HTTP GET request to a Google API using the super helpful Postman application. That's simple enough, I'll just choose GET and enter the URL. In this example, I'll search YouTube for videos with "test" in their details.
The only cumbersome thing about this GET request is that I need a Google API Key. These keys allow Google to limit how many API requests any account is making--and potentially charge the user when the count gets too high. To get a key, you need to a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account and then follow the instructions to create an API key from the API Manager section.
Since API keys are--by definition--limited, most people try to keep them private and restrict who can use them. There are a few different ways to add API Key Restrictions in GCP. "HTTP referrers (websites)" is a popular and straightforward option. For example, if you were using the key from a local website, you could add http://localhost:/* to the list.
Note: If you don't care about your key being used by others, then you can leave the key with no restrictions and skip the next part.
In Postman, you can pretend you're sending the request from a local website by adding a "Referer" header entry. However, since it's a restricted header, there is an extra step. You must turn on Postman Interceptor by clicking the Interceptor button at the top of the window (next to the sync button). If you have interceptor off, the Referer header entry will be ignored and you'll get an error: "Error 403:The request did not specify any referer. Please ensure that the client is sending referer or use the API Console to remove the referer restrictions."
Now you're sending the GET request with an API key and you're getting back JSON results that look like this:
"kind": "youtube#searchListResponse",
"etag": "\"m2yskBQFythfE4irbTIeOgYYfBU/71Y1Pa_Vox_0ZzzjdbBNppwdf0s\"",
"nextPageToken": "CAUQAA",
"regionCode": "CA",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 1000000,
"resultsPerPage": 5
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#searchResult",
"etag": "\"m2yskBQFythfE4irbTIeOgYYfBU/WePlVVP0Z4fWK6zl92pA9jVLbdQ\"",
"id": {
"kind": "youtube#video",
For more about the Google API options for YouTube Search, refer to the YouTube developer documentation.
Just that query alone is useful, but there's still one key thing missing from our request--authentication. I'm not going to go into detail about OAuth authentication here--you can read about that elsewhere--so this section will just follow the basic steps. To use the Google APIs as an authenticated user, you need an OAuth token.
There are a few ways to get a Google OAuth token. Probably the simplest option is to use Google's own OAuth playground. This is a super useful app that allows you to fiddle with all sorts of settings.
Another option is to use Postman's built in Get New Access Token feature. To use it, click on Authorization (next to the Headers tab) and then the "Get New Access Token" button. Here you would enter the Auth URL as https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth and the Access Token URL as https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token. You also need to know the Scope for your request--which you probably just want to go to Google's OAuth Playground to get anyway.
Once you have an access token, a simple method to check its validity is to paste this URL into a browser address bar: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/tokeninfo?access_token=
Note: Checking the token will show its expiration time and also its scopes.
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