- note that this was the draft cover
I'm thrilled to write that my next project will be a Halo book for Sams publishing. the book is called The Black Art of Halo Mods (this book is printed)
I will begin work on this title as soon as I finish work on the manuscript for Halo 2 Hacks (O'Reilly).
although the Sams title will be my third Halo book, I'm only just getting warmed up :)
if you're a modding fan, pick up a copy of The Black Art of Xbox Mods by Jonathan S. Harbour. this is an example of the quality work that they're doing at Sams.
credits for The Black Art of Halo Mods
Errata: Black Art of Halo Mods Errata
update: Nick has posted a little bit on information on the HaloDev site about the chapter introducing Prometheus.
"For a very long time now we’ve been working with Stephen Cawood, author of O'Reilly’s ‘Halo 2 Hacks’, on his new book ‘The Black Art of Halo Mods’. The book is focused on creating new maps with the H.E.K. JamesD and Grenadiac, along side many other modders, spent an awful lot of time helping out with the H.E.K. section of the book." full article
is this helping or hurting the amount of cheating involved with halo 2 on xbox live?
this book is about HaloCE (for the PC), not the Xbox versions of Halo.
therefore, it is completely removed from the controversy surrounding cheating on Xbox Live.
besides, I wouldn't intentionally write something that would help people cheat.
some people misunderstood halo 2 hacks to be about cheating on Xbox Live, that assumption is completely wrong.
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